Vellum Cloth Thickness

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Hi all,

So working with vellum and need to adjust the thickness to account for the extrusion amount I apply in the post process otherwise I get serious self intersections.

The thing is, modifying the thickness parameter in the Vellum constraints only seems to affect collisions with other objects (ie. static collision objects) and not self collisions (ie. the cloth with itself) which is what I actually need as the folds and wrinkles forming in the cloth are what is intersecting when I extrude later.

Any help here will be highly appreciated, I've been searching around and racking my brain and can't seem to find where to control the cloth thickness as it relates to self intersections.

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'just works' for for self collisions.

Don't forget the default solver substeps at 1 is very aggressive….try maybe 4 ?
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What do you mean ‘it just works’? Are you able to get the cloth to not touch on self collisions even if you are extruding it quite thick?
According to the master class, it is not a good idea to set the thickness larger than the point distance between points on the mesh (visualized by the spheres when you are visualizing thickness in the cloth object) but that would only allow for very thin cloths.. so not sure what the workflow here is to achieve a non intersecting thick cloth.
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Tbh Cloth isn't super thick in real life anyway so it shouldn't rly matter. You should adjust your thickness based on the resolution of the cloth. Now, If you are getting cloth that is too “bendy” you can simply just adjust the stiffness parameter on the cloth object - or even add in a bit of plasticity. This will keep your cloth less like silk and set you up for success when you are wrapping your hero geo to the sim geo. After you have “wrapped” your hero geo to the sim you can head into cleanup - If you have a proper workflow then it should be minimal
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What do you mean ‘it just works’? Are you able to get the cloth to not touch on self collisions even if you are extruding it quite thick?
According to the master class, it is not a good idea to set the thickness larger than the point distance between points on the mesh (visualized by the spheres when you are visualizing thickness in the cloth object) but that would only allow for very thin cloths.. so not sure what the workflow here is to achieve a non intersecting thick cloth.
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Tbh Cloth isn't super thick in real life anyway so it shouldn't rly matter. You should adjust your thickness based on the resolution of the cloth. Now, If you are getting cloth that is too “bendy” you can simply just adjust the stiffness parameter on the cloth object - or even add in a bit of plasticity. This will keep your cloth less like silk and set you up for success when you are wrapping your hero geo to the sim geo. After you have “wrapped” your hero geo to the sim you can head into cleanup - If you have a proper workflow then it should be minimal

That doesn't really make sense. I should be able to make the cloth as thick as I want to. The software can't presuppose I only need thin cloth. Indeed the higher the resolution the thinner it needs to be, which doesn't sound right to me. There has to be a way to control self collision thickness.
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