Hair grooming - separate root lift

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I thought I'd run this by you, the community, first before filing a RFE, to see if there's something to modify/improve upon this.
The feature is simply a “set root lift” for guide roots - a guideprocess as well as a guidegroom - which would be very useful for situations in which you need hair almost laying on the surface but not quite flat on it. Would work great together with the current “set lift” and “bend” operations.
Attached image shows two main parameters: radius and depth.
Let me know your thoughts if hair grooming is up your alley. Cheers!
Edited by anon_user_89151269 - April 17, 2019 13:48:40

root_lift.jpg (119.4 KB)

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not sure how helpfull is it, but in the mean time you could lift the curve primitive by the closest normal of the skin, create point there, and added to the hair curve and make it a root.

(I think there is a lift under the groom hair node)
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@pelos can you please share a file with the method you just described?
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I already filed an RFE for this, but I'm still hopeful that someone would chip in to maybe file a better/altered RFE if necessary.

@mestela Wouldn't this be an artist-oriented solution to the “peaking” the geo + “minposing” the guides, plus some additional control? (referring to your thread here [])
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