VEX primitive neighbours function

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Hi wizards,

Here's a VEX function to get primitive neighbours either by shared points or by shared edges. Use the type function input for the two different methods (0 points, 1 edges);

function int []primneighbours (int geometry; int prim; int type)

    int primPts[] = primpoints(geometry, prim);
    int nearPrims[];
    int sharedPrims[];
    // Find primitives attached to the input primitive-points
    foreach(int num; int pt; primPts)
        int ptPrims[] = pointprims(geometry, pt);
        foreach(int num1; int ptPrim; ptPrims)
            int used = 0;
            foreach(int num2; int usedPrim; nearPrims)
                if(usedPrim == ptPrim)
                    used = 1;
            if(used == 0)
                append(nearPrims, ptPrim);
    // Find primitives sharing the two or more points with the input primitive
    foreach(int num3; int nearPrim; nearPrims)
        int tempPrimPts[] = primpoints(geometry, nearPrim);
        int similarPts = 0;
        foreach(int num4; int tempPrimPt; tempPrimPts)
            foreach(int num5; int primPt; primPts)
                if(tempPrimPt == primPt)
        if(similarPts > 1)
            append(sharedPrims, nearPrim);
    // Return based on input type
    if(type > 0)
        return sharedPrims;
        return nearPrims;

Use the function like this (outside the function itself):
int neigh[] = primneighbours(0, @primnum, 1);

Grouping neighbours example:

int neigh[] = primneighbours(0, 70, 1);
foreach(int num; int prim; neigh)
    setprimgroup(0, "nearPrims", prim, 1, "set");

Edited by altobi - Dec. 12, 2019 04:17:23
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Thank you thank you thank you.
Why this function is not official?
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There is a built-in function called polyneighbours: []

i[]@prims_nb = polyneighbours(0, i@primnum);

Also, the group expand SOP has similar and more functionality and can be called with Python verbs apparently. []
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