Python execution HDA

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Hi folks,

I'm filling a curve sop points coordinates parameter thought a python script from a HDA which is working fine inside Houdini but not correctly thought Unity.

Instead of generating one final curve, it generate 2 curves. 1 editable curve and 1 curved re-sampled.

The thing is that I will use the data from this HDA into a new HDA.

Any idea of what may be wrong ?

Houdini FX TD
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Joined: May 2017
Are you using a different language locale for your OS than English? In some cases, if you are using specific languages such as Spanish which use comma (,) for decimals than dot (.), there is a .Net issue where it uses commas for Houdini curve points float values' instead of dots.

Otherwise, please submit a bug with an HDA which I can use to reproduce the issue.
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