Python state: onParmChangeEvent issue

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Python state question:
Has anybody noticed issues with onParmChangeEvent? For context: I am using the function in an HDA interactive script that otherwise works fine.

Do I need something besides defining the function to make it work? I put a print function in it and am manipulating parameters and the function does not seem to trigger.

Any ideas of what I might be missing?
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Documentation has an example about this.
Did you check it out? []
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Yes, thank you, but when I run the test scene ( $HH/viewer_states/examples/state_parms_demo.hip ) and put a print in the onParmChangeEvent I still see nothing getting printed.

That aside, the function seems to work, so I am definitely missing something.
Gonna try to report it as a bug and see what they tell me.
Edited by DASD - July 13, 2020 06:44:35
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I tested the example file which you've mentioned and it worked for me!
I put a print function as you said in onParmChangeEvent and after changing settings from operation toolbar, print function called successfully!
BTW if you expect to trigger this function whenever you change a parameter via parameter editor pane, you should use callback script instead.
Edited by N-G - July 13, 2020 07:27:13
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