Redshift plugin tips

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Hidey ho! Just a heads up for folks using the Redshift plugin. Please make sure your plugin is in sync with the correct version of Houdini or you are going to have a bad day (crashes on launch or render).

If you're having issues, it's likely because you're using a cut of Houdini that is more recent than the last redshift plugin.

See this thread on Redshift's houdini forum for more info. []

We update our production build roughly once a month and just updated it yesterday to 16.5.473 (just a bit more than 30 days since the last one) so the Redshift folks will likely release a plugin in the near future that syncs to that.

Hope that helps!
Chris McSpurren
Senior Quality Assurance Specialist
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I am having trouble with both current builds,From RS and Houdini. I already logged the bug in Houdini.
H 16.5.473 crashes with segmentation error.
12320: Fatal error: Segmentation fault
And it also crashes with RS 2.5.71 enabled.
I will have to revert back.

Running on a Windows 10


Update: Apparently there was some issues within my preference folder Documents/Houdini16.5. Which sfter deleting it and letting houdini recreate it solved the crash. I am now using 16.5.405.
Edited by Nicolas Heluani - May 20, 2018 16:56:46 []
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The latest Houdini Production version supported by the Redshift plugin is 16.5.496
Edited by TwinSnakes007 - June 18, 2018 12:00:21
Houdini Indie
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Redshift 2.6.16 is now available:
- Added new plugin build for Houdini 16.5.536 []
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I suggest just subscribe to redshift forum; new release announcements, as there is a new version and fixed few very important bugs found in 2.6.16 and 2.6.17 versions.
Edited by brokenkeyframe - July 30, 2018 05:56:22
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So, my redshift license ended support in may.
I believe that means i don't have access to the newer builds, but my license is permanent on the version up till then. Does that leave me stuck on an older version of houdini too???

Can you really not get an older redshift build to run in a newer houdini?

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Redshift's policy is as follows:

Our new policy will be to support the latest production build for the 3 most recent major Houdini versions (15.5, 16.0 and 16.5) as well as the previous 2 production builds for the most recent major Houdini version (16.5). We will continue to support both the Qt5 (regular) and Qt4 flavors of Houdini.

What that means is that if you're on an older Redshift build, but a current Houdini plan, then you will progressively get more and more out of sync if you wish to keep up with the latest Houdini builds.

I'm going to try to refrain from the pros and cons of Redshift's policy, but rather say that if you want the latest and greatest, you'll need to stay current with both Redshift and Houdini upgrade plans.

Of related interest, I recently started a new YouTube channel where I plan to create a series of new tutorials specifically about using Redshift in Houdini. I try to create a new tutorial once a week. You can find my new channel here: []
For my Houdini tutorials and more visit: []
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Client installation of Redshift Houdini seems to work fine. It is on Win10 Pro, Quadro P4000, 64GB ram, 8 core (16 thread), Houdini 17.0.459 and Redshift. Works great. Scene view IPR , Render View, or external buffer. No issues. Of course I did not set it up. Downside? When Redshift is cranking, GPU usage spike to nearly 100% as does GPU memory usage. If using Chrome playing music or streaming videos in YouTube or Vimeo, there are random audio pops and frame stutters. Google Earth WebGL (using DX11) in Chrome, and Google Earth Pro performance goes to to single digit FPS or fails to start. A small price to pay. But , man Redshift is fast. Kind a wish that Mantra was GPU'ed. One issue that confuses me abit is OpenCL usage in 3D DCC applications. If Houdini (or Maya) are using OpenCL to cook sims (FLIPs in both), does that mean that CUDA cores on Quadro or GTX are utilized or is OpenCL software only. Redshift states that it does not use OpenCL, but does use CUDA. Here I was thinking that OpenCL is OpenGL but for simulation processing.
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Yes, the GPU will be saturated during RS renders.

In multi-GPU systems, you can dedicate a GPU for display only.
Houdini Indie
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Some good tips that helped me a lot:
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Hello everyone.

Hopefully i am posting this question in the proper space, if not please let me know and I will promptly move it where it belongs!

I am building a scene which has both neon lights that create a nice neon-like foggy look and regular pyro volumes.
I was wondering if it was possible to selectively activate the “volumetric scattering” options in the Redshift Rop in order to make only some of the lights in the scene create the said foggy look and still have regular volumes render as normal smokes etc.

Thank you for your time
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Hello everyone.

Hopefully i am posting this question in the proper space, if not please let me know and I will promptly move it where it belongs!

I am building a scene which has both neon lights that create a nice neon-like foggy look and regular pyro volumes.
I was wondering if it was possible to selectively activate the “volumetric scattering” options in the Redshift Rop in order to make only some of the lights in the scene create the said foggy look and still have regular volumes render as normal smokes etc.

Thank you for your time

Plugin questions this-a-way -> []
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Quick tip, if you use “$houdini_version” in your package json file you'll never have to edit it manually again (provided there is a matching redshift version present for your current Houdini build)

    "env": [
            "PATH": "C:/ProgramData/Redshift/bin",
            "method": "append"
            "HOUDINI_PATH":   "C:/ProgramData/Redshift/Plugins/Houdini/$houdini_version/"
Edited by Jonathan de Blok - July 14, 2020 14:58:50
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