Mantra Transmission Color, at Distance

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Hi all,

This is driving me crazy, I'm hoping that it's something silly that I've missed.

No matter what I set the "At Distance" value to (very small to very large)in the Principled Shader, I can't get the color to show up in the transparent geo.

I have a polygonal sphere, radius of 1, Transmission Color 1,0,0, and like I said, I've tried very small(.0001)and very large (1000) values in the "At Distance" parm, no change. I get the red in the caustics though, which is baffling to me.

Renderer is vanilla mantra, PBR.

What am I missing?


sphere.JPG (47.3 KB)
sphere2.JPG (84.3 KB)

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Hi. There's a toggle for "Enable Absorption and Nested Dielectrics" under Rendering->Shading tab in mantra ROP which needs to be enabled for transmission colour to work under PBR.
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Hi. There's a toggle for "Enable Absorption and Nested Dielectrics" under Rendering->Shading tab in mantra ROP which needs to be enabled for transmission colour to work under PBR.

That was it, thank you
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