[Announcement] Unity Curve UX Improvement for Houdini 18.5.541.

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Hi! I recently added a number of changes that aims to improve the UX of using curves in the Unity plugin for Houdini 18.5.541. (Look for it in the daily builds page coming out soon: https://www.sidefx.com/download/daily-builds/?daily=true&python3=true [www.sidefx.com] )

Added the ability to add scale/rot attribute values to curves, much like you can in Unreal
- In edit mode, after selecting a node, you can Move, Rotate, or Scale each point, much like Unity's native interaction with gameObjects.
- You can use the hotkeys W, E, and R, or click the corresponding Move/Rotation/Scale tool in the top left shelf of the Unity editor.
- Added HoudiniAsset options:
- Option to disable the adding of rot/scale attributes, doing the same functionality as before this feature
- Option to cook the curve while dragging, allowing for a more responsive UX for the cost of performance
- Transforming multiple nodes at once is supported.
- Additionally, disabled cooking for curves if the "Autocook on parameter change" option is off.

Curve node data is now displayed as a list of Vector3 in the inspector (And modifying will affect the corresponding curve coordinates)

Pressing shift while in Edit mode enters the new "Hybrid Add/Edit nodes" mode
- You can add points to the back of curve / front of curve / inbetween two nodes with a single mouse click in this mode
- Updated the Info panel to reflect changes
- Previous workflow is still valid even if you don't use this new mode.

Added the option to frame currently selected nodes using F instead of framing the entire curve itself.
- You can turn on/off this option as well as the framing distance in the asset settings

Additionally, box selection now works with multi point select (Simply hold control and drag left click)

I attached the simple example HDA you see in the screenshots for reference.

All of these new features should NOT break any existing workflows. If you find any bugs or have any suggestions, please see: https://www.sidefx.com/forum/topic/38188/ [www.sidefx.com]
Edited by anthonyt2 - April 7, 2021 16:27:24

ScaleRot.gif (940.1 KB)
HybridEditMode.gif (325.9 KB)
curve_data.png (58.1 KB)
simple_curve.hda (13.1 KB)
Focus.gif (1.1 MB)

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Great news, thanks
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This is fantastic!!!
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A common issue that some people come across with when using the scale/rot values alongside the curve surface (sweep) node is that the rotation may mess up the sweep surface. I recommend disabling the rot/scale values from the Unity inspector if you are using the sweep node.

It might be possible apply rotation to points if you use it along side with the "orientation along curve node", and then transform the up/N vectors, but I haven't tested that.
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its great really been needing this after making a workaround for months
Edited by Morphtek - June 15, 2021 19:54:17
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Joined: March 2019
Great improvement!

Are there plans to extend the new curve functionality in 19 to the Unity editor? Specifically the radius properties/widgets.
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Since V19, there is a big problem with the curves created by Houdini engine. We can no longer edit them in Unity. (this only happens when you re-open the scene later). I reported the info to Side FX who actually managed to reproduce the problem but since no fix has been provided since, (after more than one year)

- In a unity project (with the 19.XX engine installed). Create two curves by the engine.
- Save
- Close the project
- Re-open the project
- Make a ReCook on each of the curves
All is now non working after second recook

Support for Houdini_engine in Unity is getting worse and worse, please help or clearly and officialy dump the support?

Many thanks
Vincent Thomas   (VFX and Art since 1998)
Senior Env and Lighting  artist & Houdini generalist & Creative Concepts
http://fr.linkedin.com/in/vincentthomas [fr.linkedin.com]
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Could we have like Unreal, a way to ouput all Houdini curve to unity curves component?
In unreal you just have to "unreal_output_curve"
Vincent Thomas   (VFX and Art since 1998)
Senior Env and Lighting  artist & Houdini generalist & Creative Concepts
http://fr.linkedin.com/in/vincentthomas [fr.linkedin.com]
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