I am going to make a Shockwave/Flash game with 3d characters and environments.
I modeled a figure in Modo. I triangulated and converted it to 3DS via Polytrans. 3DS Max rigging was killing me with the non proprietary model. Weird.
So, I need to get bones into my model, animate the model, but it must work in 3DS Max. I have a Max plugin for Swift 3d that outputs vector.
Will Houdini Escape work in this chain?
I have read using the search term, “Max,” but I am not finding the necessary info to put the pieces together on my own.
Last but not least, what is the deal with “Auto Rig?” Where is part 2 of the video that tells you how to capture geometry? I read on this topic as well and found more questions and vague references to archaic info on the 3D Buzz site and others.
I would like to capture geometry with my Auto Rig. Any concise info appreciated.
Thanks in advance.