Flip Sim and RBD Interaction

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Joined: July 2021
Hi everyone I want to have a fractured container (Cylinder) filled with water inside and a ball break the container and let the fluid flow.
With a Static Object I can make the water stay inside without particle loss, but with the RBD Packed Object the water just disappears

here is the example: https://gyazo.com/c38cee4b190b4da799081a30e3d6abb4 [gyazo.com]

I changed a lot of parameters like: Particle separation, Particle radius Scale, Grid Scale...etc, and still not working
I searched in a lot of forums and I can't understand a lot of things because I'm new in houdini and it's too difficult to me.

I would like to finish this little personal project and I would appreciate your help.

thanks to everyone

test_containerV5.hip (2.4 MB)

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