Apprentice installation as non-administrator?

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Install Houdini Apprentice on a Windows XP box for a single user only, given only a regular user account.

Installer finishes without obvious complaint, but Start Menu shortcuts are not created, and I cannot seem to run the license server.

  • Houdini starts up, but cannot find the license server
    I can run CSH and do the usual “cd ../; source ./houdini_setup”
    Attempting to run sesinetd.exe in the Houdini Install directory consistently prompts me with usage information (no write privs for Windows\System32 to create sesinetd.exe and sesinetd.options)

    Low. Very low.

    Obligatory Anticipatory Thanks
    Thanks for any help or responses that you have to offer. Even to those who may say “It can't be done”
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The thought occurs that I have sesinetd running on various linux boxes around the home. Would it be feasable to just use SSH Port Forwarding to make use of the already-existing server, or would Apprentice have problems with this setup? I know for a fact that I'd be the only person using the licenses, so contention won't be a problem, but will Apprentice complain if the server is not on the same box as the client?

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Apprentice licenses are node-locked, on purpose. I don't see an easy solution to this since the license tools are run as services. Even if you used something like hservice to install them from a non-default file location, you probably still need Administrator priviledges to do so.
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