software must go in, without nothing to back up your POV. Lot's of just plain faulty logic going on in here.
You have the same attitude that Lightwave 3D users have.
For years they asked for the modeler and animator NOT to be merged in the same software.
Lightwave is now a lose loose situation.
There were never any new users and the old users are now without a software because only the fanatic users remains.
Houdini has the best workflow and is the most flexible.
It does things that only Houdin can do.
Most people or even studios needs to do everything : modeling, texturing, riggin, animation, lighting, rendering, post...
If your sofware can only do a few of these things, you need another 3D software.
This is where the problem start. Having to learn different software is a problem.
Switching between those software is a problem because they don't have the same shortcuts and workflow.
I am not even talking about the import/export problems.
Sculpting on site, in your scene with the final material is something that is needed.
For the same reason that most people turn the realtime raytracing in the viewport.
Houdini cannot be just a VFX Micheal Bay, because the needs of artists and studios is a lot more than just that.
You don't invest time in a 3D software as big and cool as Houdini without wanting to do everything else with it.
The explosions and water simulation are probably 3% of a movie.
I would rather use Maya and stay in there and use an expensive plugin than use many 3D software.
Once you are comfortable with a 3D software, this is where the speed gain happens.
Of course there are people in big studios that only do 1 thing over and over again.
AI will be a great part of 3D CG soon, maybe a few people will be able to make big movies.
Houdini WILL HAVE AI nodes to create models and shaders for you or animate characters automatically.
AIModel, AIRig, AIUVtexturing, AIHumanMotion...
One day a software is here, the next day it is not there.
I do 3D animation since 1989 mostly as an amateur, I have seen and lived through so many 3D software death.
You want to work with Houdini for the rest of your life, make sure it grows, improve always.
But more importantly it must make kids dream, it must make artist dream, it must attract new users all the time.
Blender has become a meme, mostly since the donut tutorial.
Meme are dangerous because they are powerful.
You now have a generation (army) of Blendlets flooding the industry in less than 5 years.
When I look on youtube for a Houdini polygon modeling there is none.
When I look on youtube for a good UV tutorial, there is none.
When I look on youtube for a line/spline/nurbs modeling there is almost none.
It is only procedural fanatic stuff on youtube.
99% of the stuff we see in movies is regular modeling : objects made by man.
The Houdini mentality of always braggin about nodes, math and procedural makes it useless for 99% of the actual stuff we need in a videogame or movie.
While Houdini users are getting lost in procedural and simulation, they produce nothing of value.
Meanwhile a 15 years old kid (William Landgren) makes "The Drink" with Blender... a real project.
You should all be affraid of Blender, people and studios are making whole movies with it.
"Next Gen" now on Netflix is a big movie only made with Blender.
It has plenty of special effects and simulation and they look good.
They were all made in Blender.
What does Houdini has to show other than 5 seconds here and there of explosions in a 2 hours long movie?