Collisions not exported to Unreal Engine

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Hello, I am new to Houdini. I have followed a SideFX presentation - the first 50 minutes of [] - to create the attached tomb and subsequent graveyard as HDAs which are imported in Unreal Engine 5 and powered by Houdini Engine. All well and good, I get the assets imported all works great except for collisions. My meshes have none. The presentation didn't cover this point. My meshes are not complex so I don't mind reusing them as the simplified collision boxes.

I am aware of this page [] and I have created a group node with various collision_geo* variants as group name and set to primitive.. but to no avail. Where rebuilding inside unreal, it does not see any collision. I would expect that adding collision to the tomb model would be enough to have collisions in the graveyard as it is using the tomb.hdalc (Houdini Indie here) to be populated. Could someone confirm that?

So yeah I'm a bit at a loss, I'm not quite clear what's in my group or not and if the node is at the right place. Please find below the HIPLC project files.

Thank you all for your help! I look forward to create game assets with Houdini.
NB: I have tried on a super basic test with a group node with the name rendered_collision_geo_simple and it worked OK. But in the simple setup it's trivial to know what's grouped and where the node should be. This is where I am at a loss here.

Attachments: (72.9 KB)

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Did you get any further?

I'm also having problems with this. In general there are some strange things happening with HDAs. I did not get any collider imported if I used "collision_geo", however the collider did show up if I used "rendered_collision_geo". If the group was on separate primitives, then a new mesh component was created.

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Make sure to append an identifier to the end of the group name, eg "collision_geo_stuff".

Attached is a very simple example:

We will try to update the docs to be more specific.

testingcollision1.hda (4.5 KB)

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Appending a suffix at the end of the collision group is not mandatory, but is useful if you want to create multiple colliders.

One thing to keep in my mind is that by default, the plugin output Mesh Proxies (not Static Meshes).
The proxies are a lot faster to create than normal static meshes but don't have collisions, or multiple LODs for example.
You can easily identify the proxy since they all have a Houdini logo above them.

If you want the colliders to be generated, you need to refine the proxy to static mesh (right-click > refine).
Refinement also happens automatically when saving / Playing.

I just fixed a bug in the plugin, that happened when an HDA only outputted an invisible collider and no visible geo (so, only collision_geo).
The proxy ignored the collider, thus outputing nothing, and nothing cant be refined to SM...

For kaciuk'stomb files, I think the issue is that the rendered_collision_geo group is created, but nothing is selected inside that group... (all to 0)
Enabling the base group and selecting everything (*) should fix the issue.
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