old school blog Houdini And PRMan ??

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Is it possible to make some video tutorials about rendering with PRMan:

general setup, building a simple scene, basic shader building in VOPs,

lights, shadows, reflections/refractions,GI, etc…?

Searching the internet only gives one related Houdini+PRMan document, and that's just basic renderman install.

Many thanks and looking forward for (maybe?) future video's about this not so well documented subject.


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Yes a very good topic.
I want to wait for H9 as many things will change in this area. Much of this should be in the help and tutorials but can certainly cover some of it.
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I'm not so much interested in PR man, but I have to say that every area of Houdini I've been able to exchange my previous knowledge from other apps except for VOPs, I've written a few shaders so far for my own projects but I'm still left with the feeling of “is this really the right/good way to do it”

I think a very basic .. here' are some materials to get you going sort of thing would be extremely helpful. I've done the tutorials the official tutorials and also the videos on odforce, but I think what's really lacking (for me at least) is a order-of-operations and workflow overview … particularly in the areas of if/for/while loops when making procedural textures Also order-of-operations for different types of raytracing and illumination.

There are a lot of step-by-step tutorials but nothing that really shows someone experimenting to get good results and what the trouble-shooting process might be.
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This as a subject would get my vote for sure. As to H9 from those advertised classes mention H9 will be used.
Jeff keep up the great work !

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when can we expect the next blog entry ?

thanks in advance,

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