But it only works in my first render, and then it fails.
Then I didn't do anything, the problem become problems.
In the document's houdini_hair_procedural sample, if we use generate mode we actually import the hair curve and the skin primitive, then we get animated hair. That works.
I basically copied this layout. But it works only once, I can render hair in the karmarendersettings node, but I cannot get that effect in its down-stream usdrender_rop1 node
My scene layout
Step1. I put a grid and a shader ball inside it. Then I put a sphere in the scene and rig it, put hair on it as if I am giving hair to a character in a traditional kineFX character and hair way.
Step2. I go to solaris and sopimport everything, add lights and a camera.
Step3. I tried to use viewport karma render in the nodes down-stream of the houdinihairprocedural node.
I got a correct rendering of hair and animation in the first render.
After I've moved back to obj level and played with obj level hair generate node's properties, I cannot get hair rendered correctly in stage anymore.
The material is not working, the hair generation is not working.
Then a more confusing problem happens.
I hit the render to disk button in the USD render ROP node dozens of times.
Then the console pops up an error message:
No cameras found in the USD file
Then I cannot render anything at all.
I believe that I've checked the parameters in the nodes from both my learning scene and that document's tutorial scene. There should not be many differences.
I mean, this is not a very happy look-dev experience..
The project file->