Viewport Selection by Attribute SOP Truncation Issue

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Hello, thank you for clicking!

I'm making viewport selections by attribute. Then, in viewport context, creating a SOP w/ my selection (BLAST in this specific instance). Instead of the group parm of the SOP relaying the attribute selected (@Attr=123 @Attr=456), Houdini is truncating by primitive number.

The below image reflects how I'm making my viewport selection. Selecting by primitive attribute titled "id"

This is what the group parm of the blast SOP reads in this specific example. With prim numbers, not attribute selection

Is there a way to force Houdini to respect the attribute selection and not translate it into primitive numbers on SOP creation? What I'd like the group parm of the SOP to read (in this instance) would be - `@id=1208 @id=1209 @id=1210 ......`

Thank you,
Edited by 9krausec - Dec. 23, 2022 16:05:27

hone.jpg (33.2 KB)
htwo.jpg (12.5 KB)

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Just hit "delete" key with your cursor in the viewport, then the @id=123 syntax will be made.

But also, tab>blast is working to. What version of houdini are you running?

Edited by lewis_T - Dec. 23, 2022 20:09:14
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Running 19.5.435 on Win10

I just made a demo scene to share with you, tried to recreate the issue again... could not. One-hand, I'm confident that I'm not losing my facilities, on the other, it seems to be working now.

Will post here if it happens again. Glad I took screen shots in the OG post to make me feel sane!
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Alright.. I rubbed all my braincells together and think I know what's going on.

This video demonstrates order of operations (demo scene attached):

(Happens specifically 40s in)

The switch happens when re-selecting from a blast node! Not on the creation of a new one.
Edited by 9krausec - Dec. 23, 2022 21:11:18

demo.hiplc (265.6 KB)

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Hahaha, yep. Let's just say you ARE INSANE. I know in the past some things could get flakey, but I've not
seen this be an issue for a while.

I'm not lying, I'm writing fiction with my mouth.
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I think we are ALL INSANE here, using Houdini. Insanely awesome that is.

Also, it just happened on the creation of a new blast sop w/ selection in the viewport. I was incorrect in saying it wasn't impacting new blast node creation based on viewport selection.

Does this warrant a bug submission or just something that Houdini does once in a while? Thanks.

UPDATE: Submitted a bug report to SESI. Support Ticket: #131246
Edited by 9krausec - Dec. 27, 2022 17:43:28
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