Which is better to learn for Houdini and UE? C++ or Python

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Hi I have use Houdini for years ,Mainly used in VFX and procedural modeling direction , I know some basic VEX , and recently i want to learn a codeding language, I also want to learn UE in the future

So Which is better to learn ? C++ or Python
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For Houdini I would say Python rather than C++. Especially for the beginning. You will get more help with Python here as well.

However, how deep you can access Houdini in relation to C++ is not clear to me. At least I can say that the HOM API is very extensive, and as far as I know you can extend it yourself, but with C++.

I think if you are purely interested in writing tools or scripts that make life easier for you or others, and not very deep into the architecture, so in terms of programming your own solvers, etc.. then you are quite well served with Python. And you still have VEX. The two in combination are already very powerful.

In Unreal, you currently have no choice other than to work with C++ or with Blueprints. However, VERSE [www.youtube.com], the new language, was recently presented at the GDC. Looks very interesting, but it needs time until it is established, has enough resources to learn, and so on.

But in the end it's all up to your preference, I think.
Edited by viklc - April 6, 2023 22:15:54
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UE has python, handy for similar things to houdini python; pipeline, UI etc.
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For Houdini: VEX. Python for general automation, external tools, scripts, etc.
Senior FX TD @ Industrial Light & Magic
Get to the NEXT level in Houdini & VEX with Pragmatic VEX! [www.pragmatic-vfx.com]

youtube.com/@pragmaticvfx | patreon.com/animatrix | pragmaticvfx.gumroad.com
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For Houdini I would say Python rather than C++. Especially for the beginning. You will get more help with Python here as well.

However, how deep you can access Houdini in relation to C++ is not clear to me. At least I can say that the HOM API is very extensive, and as far as I know you can extend it yourself, but with C++.

I think if you are purely interested in writing tools or scripts that make life easier for you or others, and not very deep into the architecture, so in terms of programming your own solvers, etc.. then you are quite well served with Python. And you still have VEX. The two in combination are already very powerful.

In Unreal, you currently have no choice other than to work with C++ or with Blueprints. However, VERSE [www.youtube.com], the new language, was recently presented at the GDC. Looks very interesting, but it needs time until it is established, has enough resources to learn, and so on.

But in the end it's all up to your preference, I think.

Thank you very much for your detailed reply
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86 posts
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UE has python, handy for similar things to houdini python; pipeline, UI etc.

Thank you for your reply
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86 posts
Joined: Feb. 2019
For Houdini: VEX. Python for general automation, external tools, scripts, etc.

Thank your for your reply
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143 posts
Joined: May 2017
UE has python, handy for similar things to houdini python; pipeline, UI etc.

Oh sry for the disinformation, thanks for the hint.

Thank you very much for your detailed reply

You are welcome.
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