It could be that there is a update or a change, what we know is that there will be a new Viewport based on Vulcan. it could be that the new Viewport will support all Contexts (sop, lop, cop, mat). (just a guess)
The main reason i would say was development Integration as with Solaris there was also Hydra for the viewport and when you want to mix it with other viewport OpenGL it is surly in the background not a simple task. When you know that you need to develop anyway a new Viewport you invest more time in to the new code.
Thanks i think it is a great resume.
I read many of you for your wish for H20. I also disagree like some of you about the need to solve stability, documentation or UI issue, actually i would have more the reverse opinion, at least it's not a priority at all in my opinion.
But i do like the idea the see evolution for a more modern solid realtime viewport render, vulcan to support all context, so could fast prototype a complex node's networks in one context, from modelling to shader, and could look at every step on my network with a proper render more advance than the current unreliable openGL. Blender with a
smoother access to realtime render like Eeve and Python state manipulators is gaining attention, Sidefx need to react fast and not miss that move!
- I know sidefx is not a massive big team, but an effort to better organize, name and comment sidefx/labs node network, that's would be appreciated! Please
- It has been discussed and i would like to double this : Clarisse was (still is) such a powerful unique tool , if the new viewport could push in that direction, that will certainly be a killer combo. Nvidia is also a building something interesting...
We are on the biggest paradigm shift i have observed in +25 years on CGI where tools would be more an more GPU or assisted by a specific trained IA model. Sidefx need to embrace that move in a long run, anticipate... Sidefx has a good card to play here, could be a central versatile platform.
Expected evolution on Cop, less headache on Licensing issue, speedup the move toward python state, address some current limitation of PDG, "find by search" option for VEX preset ...
For game development, if you are not on Unreal, but on Unity or a custom engine, good luck with the Houdini Engine HDK... there is a real issue there at least for the client i work for lately, im not even sure where we are going here...A slow death? But a large number of people are concerned, isn't it?
Vincent Thomas (VFX and Art since 1998)
Senior Env and Lighting artist & Houdini generalist & Creative Concepts []