to believe that I started as an intern at Sesi and to see code that i did as a side project and see those ideas implanted by very talented guys made me realize how much i have learn from so many talented people, from the industry to the forums []
need to update the website []
main features:
- updated the shelf python code any developer can keep adding more nodes depending on production needs
- now that we are moving to Karma we can use the Fabio grooming geo node directly, and not the procedural for Mantra
- created another material that works with materialX nodes and can be use in xpu
- several attributes can be pass to the shader (ex if you need to change color because the hair got wet)
- most of the fabio features node at scene level been ported into a sop node to control the hair, crazy, guard and white hairs
- added several examples
i am excited to see what's come next