I've built my first HDA over the weekend. It's a simple pipe generator, which takes an input curve from Unreal, applies a bevel, and sweeps a circle along it (https://i.imgur.com/us6Ea49.png). Very simple. However, adding or moving points to the curve in Unreal or changing any parameter takes about 7 seconds to generate updated geometry. I've turned on proxy meshes and turned off any settings that might slow stuff down in the static mesh import settings (regenerating normals, lightmap uvs, etc), but this hasn't had an effect.
How long are cook times usually for any similar HDAs y'all have made? 7 seconds is a very long time for quickly iterating on an idea. Videos I've seen lead me to believe that cook times are like 2 seconds or less. Am I missing something?
Tips for reducing cook times? Am I missing something?
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