scatter geo on fractured object

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Joined: Feb. 2018
hello, I wanted to scatter geo(eg. grass,trees)on some geometry(eg.ground). then fracture the ground using rbd sim. but after sim the points no longer the same.
In other words I want to create a scene where ground cracks open and pieces falls apart with grass and trees on top of each piece. What might be the solution?
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I did a very simple test. Basically I used attribute interpolate and timeshift to hold the scattered points on the fractured geo. (see the screenshot below)

Also check out the hip file. Hopefully it'll help in your case too.

Static points on rbd.hiplc (984.0 KB)
SS.jpg (58.5 KB)

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I tried this method but I found that the copied objects wobble. Is there a fix? I have had to use a method with constraints instead.
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To prevent them from wobbling make sure the scattered geos do not go inside the ground geo. So maybe after the attribute interpolate node you can put down a Peak SOP and slightly make them move outside. Also you can try to give them a simple collision shape like a box instead of a convex hull.

Maybe try first with some boxes. See if they also wobble, so try to find out if the issue is with the rbd sim/scattered points or the instanced geos.

Another dirty and fast idea would be to activate the scattered rbd geos whenever they need to start moving. It might not work for your case since I don't know your scene but just an idea.
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