Im trying to modify a custom `multiline string parm`
I want to change the language of it through python, say i have a dropdown to choose formatting whether python or vex.
here is what i did so far, I found the way to do this is using the .setTag() function to set {"editorlang : "python"}
i can see the tags are modified by printing my parmTemplateGroup but i couldnt see the change in the node.
Im not sure what im doing wrong, can someone help please?
import hou n = hou.node('/obj/htip2') g = n.parmTemplateGroup() old_lang = g.find("code") new_lang = old_lang new_lang.setTags({"editorlang":"python"}) g.replace("code", new_lang) n.setParmTemplateGroup(g) print(new_lang.tags())