Hqueue and missing OTLs

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Hi group,

I'm looking for answer to this situation.

You are simulating via Hqueue and your slave will lost network connection for brief moment.
You will get this message to your job log

Cannot access the OTL source: // 16.5.439/houdini/otls/OPlibSop.hda
for operator type: timeblend

“Save & Quit” will save the hip file and quit the session
“Discard & Quit” will quit the session without saving the hip file
“Retry” will attempt again to refresh the OTL definition from the same file location
“Embed” will try to use an alternative definition among already loaded OTLs,
and if no suitable definition is found, it will create a hollow, embedded fallback OTL
which allows you to continue working with the hip file
“Refresh OTLs” will reload OTLs found in the search path
and try to use them for the operator definition
“Load OTL” will present a file chooser to specify an explicit OTL location
where the operator definition can be found
0: “Save & Quit”
1: “Discard & Quit”
2: Retry
3: Embed
4: “Refresh OTLs”
5: “Load OTL”

Obviously you can not interact with job as it is running on background. So I'm wondering it exists some way how to specify default action before job is send or other way how to resume job?

Thank you

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Joined: Oct. 2020
Hey all,

We're facing a pretty well identical situation with our Deadline farm and some of our network based HDA's. Issue being that this prompt seems to come up, and due to the lack of user input (or auto-handling / auto-input), will cause jobs to hang indefinitely.

Is there any info that can be shed on how to deal with this? Perhaps a command line flag that will auto-respond to prompts like this?

When it happens on simulation jobs especially, where it can be 5 hours in, and this causes it to hang/crash.. Why is it even needing to look for the HDA continuously?

Any help is much appreciated.

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Joined: Nov. 2015
Hi all,

I am refreshing this thread.

Did you solve this in some way?
Do you have any solution on that?

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