I have a simple object with 6 uv islands I wanted to give every island an attribute name so I can use that in the shading. In old Houdini (Partition) node was good solution but it's deprecated now and the recommended node is (Groups from Name) but I didn't know how to use it.
I have (connectivity) node after the object so every uv island has a number.
Why do you need anything beyond the connectivity node? if you want to enter a name manually for each island, use the name sop and select by partition attribute using the name's group field. You can even do every rename on the same node using the multiparm. Alternatively, use a string array in a wrangle and index into the array using the partition attribute.
like jsmack says connectivity sop, then if you want to go your way with a groups_from_name sop , follow it with a group_rename sop and use that multiparm so just one node to rename. hopefully that's what you're looking for