APEX Script: Get component of Vector

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Is there an easy python like way to get a component of a vector in APEX Script without having to add nodes and use the API to connect ins and outs?

For example, the following code gives an error

pos = Vector3(1, 0, 0)
x = Float(pos.x)

The error is:

(Error: Error generated by Python node.
Line 2: :: x = Float(``pos.x)``
Can only fetch attributes from graph or node objects).

It would seem like something as simple as grabbing a component of a vector could be done without getting too verbose.

work either)
Edited by playBlaster - Aug. 16, 2024 20:20:03
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Correct me if I'm wrong... I think apex snippet is not exactly python. Each function has a corresponding apex node. You would need vector3ToFloat node to split a vector, thus you'll need to use vector3ToFloat() in snippet.

pos = Vector3(1,0,0)
x, y, z = vector3ToFloat(pos)
Edited by NMVHS - Aug. 17, 2024 04:42:06
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x, y, z = vector3ToFloat(pos)

That's just what i needed NMVHS! And yeah, i know APEX script is not exactly python, that's why i said "python like". What threw me off though was the "x, y, z =" syntax. Mmmm, i see destructuring. I'm rather new to python but I'm familiar with this from javascript, which was only added fairly recently. I'll keep this in mind when faced with similar issues.

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