I am trying to render a Mixamo character. When I try to load the normal map via Mtlx Image>Mtlx Normalmap>Mtlx Standart surface I get this weird error that is not present when I I load the same character via File>Import Fbx or Import Character Fbx node and it uses the old Principled Shader.
Additionally, the geometry seems to have very sharp edges that I tried to solve by changing subdivision schema but it is not helping. What am I doing wrong?
ajz3d Do you perhaps have a UV seam running through the center of character's front side of the face? That's the first thing that comes to my mind.
Yes, I think there is one.
jsmack OpenGL vs DirectX normal map?
I am not sure, I google what the difference is and tried to invert the green channel with Mtlx Separate and then Combine but its didn't fix the problem. Looking at it the green seems to be facing up, so it should be an OpenGL one.