Using name attribute / group in MaterialX for masking

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Im looking for a solution of using the name attribute in MaterialX. As it can be used in solaris to split a mesh by primitives for each name you have in the "name" attribute I was looking for the same functionality in MaterialX. So I could just vary the Base Color and the rest would stay the same in the shader.

1. Is there a solution to this? I thought about writing a VEX Snippet to create an extra attribute for each string in "name" but seems a bit hacky...

2. the Geometry Property Value MaterialX Node lets me select String in the "Signature". Is there something like a Compare node for Strings in MaterialX?

3. Can I access Groups from Geometry Property Value MaterialX Node?

4. Is there a node already in houdini that creates attributes from names or turns groups into attribtues?

Thanks for any pointer!
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Hellou again!

I couldn't think of another solution so I just wanted to share the one I used in the end.

I created an attribute for every named primitive selection I had, so I could use them to mask out the color for each group in karma. I used the group from names node and plugged in a group promote node afterwards. If you set the `Output as Integer Attribute` you have an attribute that can be used in the `geometry property value` in materialX.

Hoppe this may helpo someone!

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I also just discovered that "Output as Integer Attribute" toggle this week. Saved me on another occasion
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