I'm having a hard time unloading payloads via the Configure Stage node. I have a stage similar to the one in Houdini's USD Asset Building [www.sidefx.com] course, with a few changes - splitting the one payload into two: geo_payload and mtl_payload
Now the hierarchy looks like this:
HiRes_Pig (Kind: group)
|---geo_payload (Kind: component)
I load in HiRes_Pig.usd via the Reference node,
and in a subsequent Configure Stage, I set Load Primitives to "Add and remove primitives to load", and:
a. Set Remove Load Paths from Input to /HiRes_Pig/geo_payload
b. %kind:component
If I understand the node documentation correctly, both of these should unload geo_payload. But they are unloading all the payloads.
I must be misusing this feature.. Please see the example file attached. Thanks!