Looking into meddling with shader normals I noticed that the viewport will only display what is put in the Principled Shader normal texture slot.
Normals tab

BaseN input at the bottom

Is there something I can turn on to see those values in the viewport?
In this example I'm showing the same source, an image file, but the data may be fruit of a procedural construction or even a mix of several image files inside Houdini, which result would be nice to see in the viewport.
Moreover and alike the normal maps there's some processes like “Bump to Normal” VOP that seem to work only with image file inputs, not an arbitrary data flows, so any Height data constructed inside Houdini seems to be left out of this conversion tool.
So I'm wondering if I'm missing something or this is just the way it is? For example I could convert this checker pattern to a normal map, but it's not an image file.
