Packed primitive and Redshift

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Hi All, I have quite a large number off packed primitives which render fine in Houdini Mantra but when I want to change the render to Redshift . it doesn't work and computer goes to halt mode. checking the windows task manager it shows the memory shoots up to 20GB . how can I fix this problem . Redshift doesn't support packed primitives?
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go to your geometry node>Redshift OBJ>Settings>instancing tab. select "Instance SOP Level Packed Primatives."
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Joined: May 2018
Does anyone know what the updated way to do this is? My scene has a large packed alembic with around 9000 packed alembics, but redshift is trying to unpack it all with rendering.
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if you are in one of the latest RS versions you can try and use the alembic procedural to render.
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