Introducing the Daily Prompts

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Here are the Daily Prompts. Your entry should use the context of Houdini featured for that week and then get inspiration from the daily prompt. Mardini has been designed so that models in week 1, can be textured in week 2, animated in week3, simulated in week 4 and rendered in week 5. While you don't have to carry over your work in this way it is certainly one strategy for managing the workload.

Edited by rmagee - Feb. 27, 2025 18:16:36
Robert Magee
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Howdee Mr. Mageee! I wondered, are there gonna be specific nodes featured each day, as well?
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Howdee Mr. Mageee! I wondered, are there gonna be specific nodes featured each day, as well?

Not this year - the weekly theme defines what part of Houdini you should focus on and the prompt is a creative theme. This should give you a bit more freedom to choose nodes that you need for your project. We still want to see a screen grab to confirm that the Houdini context in question is where all the magic happens.
Robert Magee
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Is this all the prompt-related info for the whole month, or will more details be given daily?
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thanks for clarifying that Maestro Magee, and thanks for doing the foundations book, I got it just two days ago
highly recommend it, its old school in all the best possible ways.

IMG_20250227_160240.jpg (2.2 MB)

Gareth J.R. McFarlane
Occupation:hmm...Houdini is kinda keeping me occupied of late, in good fashion :)
Location:Not far from where Ned Stark beheaded that fellow(we were not consulted)
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Is this all the prompt-related info for the whole month, or will more details be given daily?

Yes - this is all there is - you take the weekly topic - for instance Model: SOP - and create a model using the daily prompt - day 1 is toy. You should use SOPS in some capacity to create a model of a toy.
Robert Magee
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thanks for clarifying that Maestro Magee, and thanks for doing the foundations book, I got it just two days ago
highly recommend it, its old school in all the best possible ways.

That should be helpful with Mardini - be sure to note that there are three new Foundation lessons available on this page ( that aren't in the book yet. Each of them have PDF chapters that match the foundation book style.
Robert Magee
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Love the rules and concept this year. It feels like a complete workflow from modeling to rendering!

Good luck to all participants ; the results are always so very cool to behold.
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Love the rules and concept this year. It feels like a complete workflow from modeling to rendering!

Good luck to all participants ; the results are always so very cool to behold.

Hoping to see a few renders from you this year
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Quick question:
Is the focus on the area „modelling" for example or the presentation in the final render. I dont know whether to put more effort in the daily prompt topic or in the shading, lighting and rendering?
Or is both important?
The rules say a viewport image is enough… \_(^_^)_/
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Felix Braun
Quick question:
Is the focus on the area „modelling" for example or the presentation in the final render. I dont know whether to put more effort in the daily prompt topic or in the shading, lighting and rendering?
Or is both important?
The rules say a viewport image is enough… \_(^_^)_/

A viewport image is enough for the daily point. It may not be enough for the judges. Presentation is important. A viewport image would probably need to be amazing for it to win the day.
Robert Magee
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Hi, I have a question: in DOP week, should I use DOP Network instead of solver SOPs?
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Hi, I have a question: in DOP week, should I use DOP Network instead of solver SOPs?

Solver SOPS have DOPNETS inside them so both are acceptable!
Robert Magee
Senior Product Marketing Manager
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