Mantra CRASH

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I created fur and simulated hair falling with a Spring node.
At the moment I like, i exported the fur geometry to a BGEO and import it with a file node.

After file node I want to cut the front hairs. To do this I change to point selection and select the lower points of the hairs falling in the front side. After selecting these group of points I press the delete key and a Blast node is automatically generated. Everything looks good but at this point, I change to “render region” and draw a rectangle to see the render version of this hair and… houdini crasses. Windows must close aplication. If I use the render menu/mandra. The mantra crashes too but houdini don't need to close.

If I go to the blast node and copy the numbers of deleted points and exchange the blast node with a delete node and then paste the points numbers, I get the same effect but the “render region” and the mantra renderer renders good and nothing wrong happends…

I supose there is a problem with the blast node on points or something like that.

PD: I am using the 9.1.211 version
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