FREE - Video Training Magazine(VTM) for Houdini!?

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Hey, everyone
Im a new member here, and also i justed order my apprentice CD. So im looking forward to it.

I just would like to get everyones thoughts about the issue of training.
Since, offers free training CD(VTM) Do you like the idea of having a VTM for Houdini which would have a monthly release! The VTM by BUZZ start at the beginning level and get more advance with every new CD.

Personally i think it would benefit, the Houdini community and SideFX if they would sponsor Jason(buzz), and he would produce Houdini VTM release monthly. Houdini is the most tough software package to learn, any training would only benefit SideFX popularity and increase future customers!

Lastly, each VTM are full of great content and easy to follow lessson, so you can except the same quality for a Houdini VTM

What do you think?
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I would love that!
There are over 26,000 members over there and unfortunately there is very little discussion about Houdini which boggles the mind because Side FX has put out the best learning package out there bar none!

More people need to know about this amazing application and pushing it on a site like 3D Buzz would definitely help generate interest. I'm just really going to wish hard for a possible relationship between 3D Buzz and Side Effects. Hopefully in the future we will be receiving free monthly training for Houdini.

Good luck with learning Houdini Renderman. I'm learning it at the moment as well. In fact I dig it so much it's the only application I want to concentrate on. Have already parted ways with XSI Experience and Maya PLE.
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I totally agree, a fully functional FREE version of Houdini, is the best learning package i have come across. All i need now is a VTM for Houdini to teach the most tough 3DCG tool on the planet.

hey, draz. Im not sure if your a beginner or expert in 3DCG, but what do you think about Houdini so far, with its unique appoarch?and werent you using Wings3D also? Either glad you found Houndini! Hope someday, you would do all your work in Houdini, including modeling!

I still have recieve my Demo yet, really curious about what is included. really curious about Houdini GUI.

OK,is there anyone else who think a VTM for Houdini would be a good idea? Even if you thinks its a bad idea, come on in and state why. Any Administrator care to comment?
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I am definitely not an expert in Houdini. But I've been using Houdini since near end of version 3 (!!). Before version 3, I came from Softimage 3D.
Back then, the tools that we have now doesn't even exist in that version yet. However, even back in version 3, I never really have that big of a trouble learning the basics of Houdini even just through tutorial manuals. But one thing I definitely noticed is that, despite of all these various desktop, the workflow is extremely consistent to one another. When you understand one, you can figure out another. As someone once said, it's like Houdini is designed by one person who knows that he is doing rather than by tons of people who don't know their left from their right.

I guess one of the tips I can definitely tell you is that, with Houdini, there isn't a definite one solution to solve a problem. So don't be surprised if you use a different approach to get the same solution as in the tutorial video. That's just the nature of proceduralism.

A second tip that I can think of is that, you ought to try not to put your XSI/Maya/LW/MAX mindset into Houdini. Often, in my school, I find the ultra die-hard Maya users to be totally dislike Houdini simply because “it's not Maya and it doesn't work like Maya” (Duh!!)

So, what I am getting at is, if you can't figure out how to perform certain operation in Houdini, chances are, there is still another way to solve it. If there is absolutely no way, then email SideFX. (Seriously!!)

As Jason Iversen of Digital Domain said, there were people who has absolutely no Houdini skill at all and they were still working on the Time Machine with Houdini.
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Hey, thanks for the tips! I am a Maya user strictly, but before i ordered the Houdini Demo, i understood the nature of Houdini, so i can adjust to it. Im hoping it would give me even more flexibility and better surfacing tools. Im THE power user

Hey, but what do you think about the idea of having a Houdini VTM by Jason of
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The 3Dbuzz guy at SIGGRAPH02 said that sidefx and he had discussions about this.
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Well, as far as i know, BUZZ and SideFX maintain e-mail contact for awhile, but hasnt heard anything from SideFX. SideFX wake up!!write Jason, back and tell him you would be happy to sponsor him

SideFX has alot of money, and they can only benefit from a Houdini VTM, by increasing there user base. So i dont understand why SideFX has not jump at the chance of a Houdini VTM.

Hey, i really like Houdini, and i want to learn how to model something organic .Though the PDF files are well written, Its still second best to a VTM, where i can actually see what someone is doing step by step. Certain times during the PDF tutorial, im totally confuse at what the writter is referring to. It would be extremely tough for me to learn Houdini just with the tutorail alone.

Anyway,there should be a Houdini VTM.
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As for “money” I suspect sidefx is a very lean machine. At least the PDFs are ‘easily’ available now.

I agree tuts covering more organic stuff would be useful. And tuts on character, from modeling to rigging to texturing to rigging with alaternative methods for each. And how about a tut on setting up CHOPS for animation mixing ala trax(maya) or the animation mixer(xsi)?
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Hey, were finally getting a Houdini VTM,and they are going to be produce on a monthly bases!!!! thats awesome news for every Houdini users. Since Jason, really knows what he is doing and he's a good teacher. The first Houdini VTM is going to be for beginner, with every new VTM it gets more advance. So theres going to be something for everyone!

Secondly..theres a strong chance that Jason might offer online course for Houdini. Im looking forward to it!!!

For more info. goto goto the Louge, and click on the thread
“Online Course with BUZZ - FREE”

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GrahamDClark [] :shock:

guess your excited about it also! im looking forward to online course(study at your own pace) and on top of that, FREE monthly Houdini VTM. what more can one ask for?!

I didnt know you were a XSI user also, im looking for to learn XSI 3.0 when i get it on launch date.
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yep they are excellent packages to bounce backnforth between and learn and develop in by comparison.

still no word on the houdini training…
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Check the announcements section of the forum for the announcement of the sponsorship of 3D Buzz. Great news that includes Houdini VTMs and even an online course.
Robert Magee
Senior Product Marketing Manager
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3dbuzz has announced the Houdini online course will begin on December 1st. Go to to register.
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I would Love to be apart of that 3d buzz free course .. That would be so awesome…. How can I be in this in recieviing this??
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I would Love to be apart of that 3d buzz free course .. That would be so awesome…. How can I be in this in recieviing this??

Hi there. All you need to do is go to [] and register a user name. Then you'll have access to links in the navigation on the left side. Click “Online Courses” and you'll see a link for Houdini. Fill out the info and that's it!
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oh and btw 3dbuzz offers a lot more than just Houdini trainings, He has Maya, Max, Photoshop, Quake 3 game design, Unreal Tournament game design and some more stuff.
A very active comunity and a chat server are just a few of the other things. Go and check it out. (and did i mention it was all FREE!!)
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