HDK - Sop several separated inputs

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Is it possible to create a SOP with inputs like Dop/gravity?
The idea is to separate the input geometry as one surface (which will be displaced inside the Sop) and
several other geometries which are used to calculate the displacement.

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I have nt seen how looks the DOP gravity. But if I understood your question,
you want to connect different geo to your SOP. Let say A and B

You have to add the number of inputs you want, when you declare your OP
newSopOperator(OP_OperatorTable *table)
table->addOperator(new OP_Operator(“sparticle”,
“Simple Particle”,
1, // Min required sources
2, // Maximum sources

then you loop through and you collect the GDP of each input

src = ( GU_Detail *)inputGeo(current_obj, context ))

If it answers your question I go into details.
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Joined: July 2008
Thanks for the reply.

What I was looking for is a way to create a Sop with two input-boxes, one that takes one single input and another that takes an arbitrary number of other inputs.

The idea is to have a grid as the single input (which will be displaced in the Sop), and use the other inputs to calculate the actual displacements. I sent an email to support and found out that this is apparently not possible. It's only possible to do it the way Gerome described.

I guess instead I'll have to label the inputs somehow to know which one is the grid and which others are standard geometry. Any ideas on how to do this in a smart way?
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