houdini + ubuntu 9.04

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Few days ago I have upgraded my Ubuntu to 9.04 (I use *64 bit version).

Now I have problem with installation of Houdini 10.

At the first start of Houdini, appears a window with invitation to install aprentice license. But I can't press “next” Button - it not works

Any hjoudini window does not distinguish pressing of the mouse, buttons are not pressed.

it is the same on GNOME (with compiz turned off) and KDE
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Did you install Houdini as “root” or “sudo”?

If root, then perhaps you have a permission problem. All I can think of at the moment.
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usually I install houdini under “sudo” and it works well without root permissions.
Now, i have installed it as root as simply user - it was the same

I think it is conflict with someone libs, used by houdini GUI
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Install as root. Run as user. Always.

I don't know what your problem is, unfortunately, but be sure you've followed that rule. AFAIK you can't install a license server without root permission.


John Coldrick
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Yes please install it as root and run the license as root also since the keys will be stored in /usr/lib/sesi and that directory is only writable by root.
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I am running Houdini on ubuntu 9.04(64 bit) recently and have no problems what so ever.

Your problem might be the screen driver. I had a similar problem with the licence server a while ago and it turned out to be a faulty screen driver that came with a OS upgrade( the repository drivers always seem to be acouple of versions behind)
Try downloading and install the latest screen driver for your system again

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I have a similar problem. With my ubuntu 9.04 when I open houdini the program dosen't respond at all. Window will show up on the screen but I can't click anything. Funny thing in this is when I open second houdini (“not closing the first houdini”) it works perfectly. I did installing using this method.

My specs are:
Quad 6600
Nvidia 8800 GS
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If you'r problem is that you can't press the “next” button or interface with houdini with Ubuntu 9.04 and Nvidia cards try putting this:

Option “RenderAccel” “false”

in your Section “Device” part of xorg.conf

There seems to be a issue with the Nvidia drivers regarding this, and turning RenderAccel off helped me in the exact same situation.


Section “Device”
Identifier “Configured Video Device”
Driver “nvidia”
Option “RenderAccel” “false”


Personal Houdini test videos, http://vimeo.com/magnusl3d/ [vimeo.com]
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Same problem here, Houdini don't respond to mouse clicks.

Option “RenderAccel” “False”, Option “AddARGBGLXVisuals” “False”, no compiz and others, don't work. Nvidia drivers update neither.

If you open another Houdini, this instance works like a charm.
But if you change to other virtual linux desk, the working houdini freezes again, but the original become to live.

It seems like a easy issue to fix for Houdini developers, I think so.

We are obliged to update Ubuntu 7.10, because It hasn't support/updates since April.
Just to inform, HDK with g++ 4.3.3 works.

Houdini 10.0.275 64bits
Ubuntu 9.04 64bits
Nvidia driver 180.53 64bits
Victor M. Muriel
http // www . vmuriel . com [vmuriel.com]
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I still have that bug. Thanks for all the help and feedback. But it is still there. I hope that somebody can fix this. It's not so bad because I can use the program but it is a little bit frustrating.
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Houdini 10.0.275 64bits
Ubuntu 9.04 64bits
Nvidia driver 180.53 64bits

Strangly, I have the same combination here on quadro fx 3600m, with no problems what so ever.
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If you have a pen tablet (wacom), unplug it. I read somewhere that can cause interference.
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Wacom tablet was the reason. Now it's working. Thanks a lot ragupasta
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Houdini 10.0.275 64bits
Ubuntu 9.04 64bits
Nvidia driver 180.53 64bits

Strangly, I have the same combination here on quadro fx 3600m, with no problems what so ever.

Thanks SYmek for the tip, I use a Quadro FX 3500.

But I have a wacom table too, I can't test it at this moment, I hope this is the problem. Thanks haikalle & ragupasta to public the wacom issue.
Victor M. Muriel
http // www . vmuriel . com [vmuriel.com]
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Wacom support is terribly broken in the latest Xorg thanks to xinput 1.5 and hal…..
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I am having the same problem but mine is that I can't connect to the internet. I had a wacom tablet but unplugging it didn't help.
I am running ubuntu linux 9.04 and I installed aprentice. I started up houdini and it tried to connect to the license server but couldn't. I tried to do the workaround listed on http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1283&Itemid=9 [sidefx.com] and http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1283&Itemid=9 [sidefx.com] but I have a problem
I tried to open /usr/lib/sesi but I do not have a file sesi also, I don't have a file called sesinetd in path /etc/init.d
Is there a fix for this?
I am not sure I installed as root or not but I am going to uninstall and try and install it again as root.
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The problem is the wacom, definitely. When you unplug it, houdini get the focus again.

Searching any solution now. I will write here, if I find something.

harlequin, you should open another entry in the forum with a nice subject for better support, your problem is different.
And remember, install as root.
Victor M. Muriel
http // www . vmuriel . com [vmuriel.com]
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In /opt/hfsxx.xx.xx there is a directory houdini/sbin

copy the contents to /usr/lib/sesi

copy the sesinetd.startup to /etc/rc.d/runlevel or /etc/init.d or /etc/rc3.d or whatever…

then add it to the runlevel scripts with whatever script your linux distro uses to add bootup scripts to runlevels (yast, rc-update etc)

of course you have to do this as user root.

Complain to the oss community and to Wacom about the lack of support for the tablet.
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Odforce thread about this topic

http://forums.odforce.net/index.php?showtopic=9098&st=0&gopid=60046&#entry60046 [forums.odforce.net]

… no solution yet, but maybe it gives new ideas to somebody.
Victor M. Muriel
http // www . vmuriel . com [vmuriel.com]
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This should be fixed in tomorrow's daily build (Houdini 10.0.289).
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