When I use the mantra when rendering,Click render,And so on until about half a minute rendering!Why is this? Is this bug?

It really depends on what you're rendering. Are you generating Deep Shadow maps? Are you rendering particles directly instead of writing them to disk first then render?
smaugthewyrmWhen it comes to rendering simulations, it's recommended to save the simulation to disk first because to test render frame 100 of your sim, Houdini will have to cook the sim till frame 100 before rendering. Assuming it's a fresh session of Houdini and the sim was not cached.
what's this about rendering the particles first? is there a best practices for rendering thread somewhere? as i type this, i am rendering the UPrez version of a pyrofx test. standard 640 x 480 in micropoly… wow, its been over an hour for a single frame.
macpro quad 2.6ghz 8gb ram , ati 3870.
i did cache the low rez, but not the uprez before rendering. anyway… a short list of speed techniques would be very welcome.
i am used to waiting hours for a render in other apps, but for seeming much more complex content then this and at much higher resolutions. i can only assume that pyrofx are MUCH more demanding than the results appear.
oh, in case it matters, point cloud generated, single spot with depth shadows on, and scattering enabled.