I moved to Houdini 11 recently and I face this problem: when I do a point of view rotation in the 3D viewport (by pressing the left mouse button), the Y axis is not vertical anymore… The view is quickly upside down and it is very disturbing.
I tried to change the Tumbling method in the Preferences, but it didn't change anything.
How can I go back to the rotation style where the vertical axis stays vertical?
Thx a lot
Viewport rotation pb: loosing vertical axis
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Thank you for the confirmation I was at the right place.
I found why I still had trouble after setting the 80's value: the vertical axis is not reset to the Y axis and the one used is based on a vector which is vertical at the moment of the parameter change. In other words, if the scene is upside down when the 80's parameter is applied, a rotation of the viewport will not put the Y axis at the expected orientation, so we think the parameter change has not been taken in account.
To really see the difference, the parameter change has to be done in a completely new scene.
Did you press “Apply” at the bottom of the Preferences Dialog?Of course, I tried this. But I hope pressing “Accept” without pressing “Apply” leads to the same result (which seem to be the case, btw), otherwise it's very confusing.
I found why I still had trouble after setting the 80's value: the vertical axis is not reset to the Y axis and the one used is based on a vector which is vertical at the moment of the parameter change. In other words, if the scene is upside down when the 80's parameter is applied, a rotation of the viewport will not put the Y axis at the expected orientation, so we think the parameter change has not been taken in account.
To really see the difference, the parameter change has to be done in a completely new scene.
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