APEX Full Body IK (fbik) Pin Root

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The SOP-based Full Body IK Solver Node includes an option to pin the roots. This is a very useful feature that the APEX-based FBIK Solver lacks. Are there any strategies to achieve similar results with APEX? I’ve already tried using the roots as drivers; however, this produces very different results from the pin roots feature.

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Joined: April 2017
Okay, the error was on my side.

It is possible to add an additional joint as a root joint and use that joint as a driver. The results obtained from this approach are very similar to the “pin roots” feature. However, if you do not add an additional joint and use the first joint directly as a driver, it won’t work because the first joint’s movement and rotation are constrained by the driver, and thus cannot be controlled by the FBIK solver.

I am now facing another issue. Whenever I use the jointconfigure node, the APEX FBIK solver seems to go crazy. I have replicated the setup in SOPs, where it works just fine. I read somewhere that the APEX FBIK solver currently does not support limits, so in this example I am only using weights. The manual states: “If the weight attribute is used, a default weight has to be applied to all the driven joints before overriding specific joints with differing values,” and I’ve taken that into account as well.

I have no idea what is happening and hope someone can help. I have attached a small example file to illustrate the issue.

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FBIK_need_Help_Please_v001.hiplc (434.1 KB)

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