Rendering a set of frames (not a range)

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What's the best way to render a general set of frames?

I had to do some pick up renders where some random frames were bad.

I ended up doing it a frame at a time, but I know there is a better way.

What I need to figure out is how to make it only render frames that are not already in the folder.

I know this is all possible, but I haven't found anything saying exactly how to do something like that.


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Well, there's nothing builtin to Houdini to do that for you, if that's what you're asking. I see this as an infrastructure solution - there's so many ways to implement rendering at different size shops to have only one method of rendering fixes wouldn't please everyone. We have a logging system on our grid that tracks what's been submitted over the last N hours and compares that against whether that file exists, and then checks it's integrity after that by using ‘iinfo -i’. This can take some time if you render a lot of layers, but it works nicely. We haven't implemented an auto-fix system yet but, like what was done before, it's just a matter of implementation. You could use a similar system to at least get you a list of missing/bad frames. You'll need to script that into a series of ROPs, but of course you need to have some sort of methodology worked out that ensures the right settings are there for sampling, matte layers, etc etc. As I said, all this is so specific to any given shop…


John Coldrick
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Type your list of frames to render into the Frame Dependency ROP (List of Frames), then set your Mantra ROP to Any Frame.

Writing a script that detects missing/failed frames is left as an exercise for the reader.
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The framecycler seemed to be the logical choice, but when I tried it, houdini would crash on me.

When I read the help, it seemed that it wasn't intended to be used the way I was using it.

I'll have to try it again and see if I can make that work.
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you could also link together a chain of mantra nodes, each set to re-render specific frames. simply render the last node in the chain, and it will do all the others as well.
Stephen Tucker
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Something new?

I just did 500f animation and it took 12h and when i check it, there are rendered lot of Bad cached frames from animation before adjustment, (probably bad rewriting cache or what)

Is there Pleas God a way to render specific frames? hundred of them different positions aaa iam ded

should i clean cache before rendering?
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Found interesting solution []

but REALLY 3dMax beats Houdini in such easy problem should be native option.
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ou it does problem to me in rendertime after 2 frames it take to render one frame 8x longer
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I would love a simple option for this as I use it all the time in other packages and find it very useful. Is there something new since this thread that's been implemented?

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