edit skin weight method

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Hi there
From the sideFx turtorial sites, I learnt 2 methods for editing skin weight. 1. the edit capture region 2. edit capture Weights

Is there any way that I can input the skin weight with specific amount for a particular verties under certain bones? (like a component editor in Maya)

thanks a lot for your time!
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Edit Capture Weights will do this, but only if you used Capture Regions or Proximity Capture, it doesn't work with Metaballs in 9.1.

Basically, you select the points you want and open the Spreadsheet at the top of the viewport. You can also use the Bone Handles which let you directly assign the weights via a handle on the bone. This is my personal favourite way of doing this as it's very fast and interactive.


peter B

Peter Bowmar
Houdini 20.5.262 Win 10 Py 3.11
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Thanks Peter!

Thanks a lot for sharing your favourite method to me!

All the best for your future projects!
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