a question about porting the regular expressions to vops

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Hi guys. I have a quick question. Let's say I have a basic expression which I want to recreate as a VOP Sop. It takes my line and turns it into a circle, so in the x it's sin($PT*2) and in Y - cos($PT*2). Now, when I recreate it in VOPs I find that if I use the same numerial value, 2 in this example, the result get about 10 times more dramatic then I expect. So in order for VOPs to give me a similar result I have to use something like .2 in VOPs. I tried a few other expressions and the outcome is always the same. Do you know why is VOPs doing it?
I'm attaching a simple example file.
Thanks a lot,

expreVsVops.hipnc (55.0 KB)

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I'm pretty sure that's because expressions expect the argument to be in degrees, but vops expect them in radians..

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I actually tried to put in the Degrees to Radians vop into the network, both before my trigonometric expressions and after, and it still gives me the same results.
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