Point color from Material SOP?

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How can i put the colors of a material in the points of a grid (for example) to perform a copy of a box in each point; and each point take his color from the reference point ?

It should be from a Material SOP not from a texture from disk or COP file.

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Is your material a procedural shader? You can create a similar VOP SOP network (eg. copy/paste the nodes from the VEX Surface Shader network) to duplicate the material onto the point colors.
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The nodes from the shader VOP didnt work for SOP VOP, for example the texture node.
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I realize this is a bit of a diveregence from what you're asking for. But perhaps it would better suited to color your points, and then feed those to the VEX?

Though, now that I read your entry closer, you want a texture… which is probably higher res than your points…

For VOP SOPs you can use the Color Map VOP, doesn't have quite as many options as the Texture VOP in Shaders, but should get you most of the way there.

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The nodes from the shader VOP didnt work for SOP VOP, for example the texture node.

Not sure, but perhaps this thread will help?

http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_forum&Itemid=172&page=viewtopic&t=12562 [sidefx.com]
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Thanks Mark, that is much better than the pic() expression.
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