limit point transformation to 2 axis only.

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Hi there,

so I got a problem and don't know how to solve it in VOPs.
I got Box A (black) and use the face center points to calculate the local coordinate system.
Now Box A gets transformed (red box) and I want to limit the transformation of each point to only 2 Axis of the local coordinate system created by Box A.
In this case (see attached picture) I want to affect only the green and blue direction vectors.



limit_transformation.png (215.7 KB) [] []
Manuel Tausch
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Joined: July 2009
my friend Alessandro Nardini suggested that I could solve the problem in local camera space, so I figured a way on how to do it:

create a orthographic camera that's parallel to the boxes top face.
Take the boxes rest position and the animated position, plug them into an extract transform node on Obj level in order to parent the camera to the box.
In VOPs, toNDC will help you to extract both u,v of the camera's coordinates so you can compare those attributes of the undeformed / deformed geometry, calculate a difference and move the points back into place.

I learned something really cool today

cheers! [] []
Manuel Tausch
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