Real Flow plugins v0.95 ready

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Joined: July 2005
Hi everyone,

I've got a new version of the Real Flow (RF) plugins available at: []

New feature:
RF Export SOP: Will now export RF particle BIN files from any set of points in Houdini. All attributes (pressure, speed, temperature, etc.) that are present in the geometry will be written into the RF particle BIN files which can then be loaded into RF via the Binary Loader or N-Binary Loader emitter. There isn't a tutorial for this yet, but the demo .hip file has an example you can look at that will help.

H7 no worky yet (6.5 did work …), except the RF Import SOP on Linux, if anyone wants just the RF Import SOP before I get the issues ironed out with H7's HDK, just email me.

Yet TODO (should be done by SIGGRAPH):
1) Multiple inputs for the RF Export SOP
2) Multiple object support for SD files in the RF Import SOP
3) There's still an outstanding issue with the RF API regarding frames/frame ranges and transformation matrices in SD file.
4) New tutorials and examples

As always, if anyone finds bugs, needs some new features, etc. just drop me a note.

–Mark Story

*active member of the “Free The HDK” coalition :-)
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