mental ray problem

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I'm trying to do some rendering test with MR 3.2.6. When I add a ROO I render the image I get this output from the shell:

LINK 0.0 error 191005: failed to load library cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
MI 0.0 error 121417: , line 5: cannot find $include file “base.mi”
RC 0.0 warn 082008: jittering disabled because max samples < 1
LINK 0.0 error 191005: failed to load library cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Anyway the image is rendered on the file (don't know why?) . But when I want see the image rendered on mplay I have no success. Does anybody knows why this behaviour?
And MR alone can render the *.mi file produced without problem.

This is my .rayrc:

# Copyright 1986-2002 by mental images GmbH & Co.KG, Fasanenstr. 81, D-10623
# Berlin, Germany. All rights reserved.
# Evaluated at startup time of the plug-in to fill the mental ray registry.

registry “{MAYABASE}” value “/usr/local/mi32” end registry

registry “{SYSTEM}” value “irix” end registry
registry “{DSO}” value “so” end registry

$lookup “{MAYABASE}”
$lookup “{SYSTEM}”
$lookup “{DSO}”

registry “{MRMAYA_START}”
link “{MAYABASE}/lib/base.{DSO}”
link “{MAYABASE}/lib/physics.{DSO}”
link “{MAYABASE}/lib/mayabase.{DSO}”
link “{MAYABASE}/lib/contour.{DSO}”
mi “{MAYABASE}/include/mayabase.mi”
mi “{MAYABASE}/include/base.mi”
mi “{MAYABASE}/include/physics.mi”
mi “{MAYABASE}/include/contour.mi”
echo “mental ray for Maya - startup done”
end registry

$lookup “{MRMAYA_START}”
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