set point velocity + RBD packed object

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RBD packed object with inherit velocity from point velocity turned on and @active controlling when a object is actively turned on in DOPs .

I am wondering why I get initial movement on frame 1 from V being set on the rbd packed prim objects, when no object is actually active ? . I don't mind setting V in the wrangle dop with the sop data . I just want to know why I would get initial movement with no active objects.


active_dop_v001.hip (396.2 KB)

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The Geometry VOP is run after the Bullet solver, so the objects haven't been deactivated yet when the first frame is simulated. You can either turn off “Create Active Objects” on the RBD Packed Object DOP to make the objects initially inactive, or rearrange the order of inputs to the multisolver.
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