Houidini Fluid Mesh Licker/Jitter Help

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Hi guys!!

How are you?

First i would like to thank you for taking your time to read this thread!

I've been working on a personal project for days… I have all my sim done…

The problem that im encounter is the fluid mesh..

The holes produced in the mesh are flickering too much… is excesive and i didn't find a way to fix it

The mesh is created via VDB and i have erodes, dilates and smooth… And NOTHING…

I've attached an example of final render for you to check!

Thank you very much for your help!!

Mik1.mov (6.5 MB)

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Joined: June 2012
Hi Jose - it looks like you haven't got enough particles in your simulation. Eroding, dilates and smoothing will exacerbate this.
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