Hi, I am really banging my head against the wall with an issue here:
I am writing some python scripts to export geometry data to Cycles renderer, under a simple xml file.
As far as simple geometry is concern no problem about that.
But I have a really hard time figuring out how to export uvs.
There is not much infos on the XML api for Cycles standalone. But I have read some examples of exporters for other packages
for v in mesh.vertices:
P += “%f %f %f ” % (v.co, v.co, v.co)
verts_and_uvs = zip(mesh.tessfaces, mesh.tessface_uv_textures.active.data)
for f, uvf in verts_and_uvs:
vcount = len(f.vertices)
nverts += str(vcount) + “ ”
for v in f.vertices:
verts += str(v) + “ ”
uvs += str(uvf.uv1) + “ ” + str(uvf.uv1) + “ ”
uvs += str(uvf.uv2) + “ ” + str(uvf.uv2) + “ ”
uvs += str(uvf.uv3) + “ ” + str(uvf.uv3) + “ ”
if vcount==4:
uvs += “ ” + str(uvf.uv4) + “ ” + str(uvf.uv4) + “ ”
node = etree.Element('mesh', attrib={'nverts': nverts.strip(), ‘verts’: verts.strip(), ‘P’: P, ‘UV’ : uvs.strip()})
Below is my houdini version of that.
The script runs fine. But uvs not rendered correctly in Cycles.
I really can't figure out what I am doing wrong.
Does anybody have a clue ?
for v in geo.points():
P += “%s %s %s ” % (v.position(), v.position(), v.position())
uvsList =
for prim in geo.prims():
subList =
for vert in prim.vertices():
print uvsList
prims_and_uvs = zip(geo.prims(), uvsList)
for prim, uvsList in prims_and_uvs:
vcount = len(prim.vertices())
nverts += str(vcount) + “ ”
for v in prim.vertices():
verts += str(v.point().number()) + “ ”
uvs += str(uvsList) + “ ” +str(uvsList) + “ ”
uvs += str(uvsList) + “ ” +str(uvsList) + “ ”
uvs += str(uvsList) + “ ” +str(uvsList) + “ ”
if vcount == 4:
uvs += str(uvsList) + “ ” +str(uvsList) + “ ”
node = etree.Element('mesh', attrib={'nverts': nverts.strip(), ‘verts’: verts.strip(), ‘P’: P, ‘UV’ : uvs.strip()})
export uv coordinates data to XML issue
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