How to set multiples of 0.8

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Hi, I'm an experienced max user and I'm migrating to Houdini so I'm UBER NOOB here and this is my first project in Houdini, so be gentle and extra detailed please :wink:

I am building an asset of a row of chairs and tables, which each table is 0.8 in measure, I have created a curve that is resampled(resample node) with a “maximum segment length” of 0.8.

I now want the curve segments length to correspond with this 0.8 value,
so I created a custom parameter interface that looks like the last image.
and I want the circled values to jump in a 0.8 multiples, is it possible?

Also attached are 2 more images of the curve that I have created and the tables row it self.


tables row.JPG (198.5 KB)
Curve Creation.jpg (60.7 KB)
Object.JPG (158.8 KB)
Custom interface.JPG (57.5 KB)

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My suggestion is instead of having a slider snapping on each 0.8 units, if I understanded you correctly, I would use an integer multiplier starting at 1 so 1 = 1x0.8, 2=2X0.8 so on an so forth.

I hope that helps. []
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Should show how to copy with multiplier….
Hopefully I'm not wasting your time.

Forgotten to say: Welcome :-)

simple_copy.mp4 (2.1 MB)
simple_copy.hip (67.9 KB)

English is not my native language, sorry in advance for any misunderstanding :-)
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works like a charm
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if I understand your images correct…
and if you need more than 2 path segments with chairs/tables + direction via angle…
the you can try something like this for an asset:

create “for each” segment a circle
Primitive Type = Polygon
Radius = desired length
Divisions = 1
Arc Angles first field = your Angle

and place each new “copy/segment” circle center on the previous circle point….

then it should be possible to have a list of length and anle sets to draw the copy curve

line_with_angle.hip (70.7 KB)

English is not my native language, sorry in advance for any misunderstanding :-)
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