Channel Expression to Parameter slide and then saving as CSV

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I downloaded a tutorial file which changes the position of a point based on channel expression. (View 1)

In this tutorial there was already the parameter slider option named as ch(“value”). (View 2)

I am trying to create this similar slider using EDIT Parameter Interface (Pulldown Gear button in parameter window)

How do I do it?

I would also like to save the position of these points in an csv file format from frames 1-1000 based on these channel expressions.(View 3)

Can be done using CHOPS or any simple options avaliable?


view_1.jpeg (34.5 KB)
view_2.jpeg (43.6 KB)
view_3.jpeg (22.3 KB)

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To add your own parameter to the interface click the gear icon then drag one of the fields from the left column into the right column. Each of those entries on the left is of a different type, (i.e. string, integer, float etc…)

To write the value out, drop down a a python node at the end of your network and write python code that moves the play head from start to end frame. Inside each frame change examine the value and write it to your file.
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